The Complete NFT Course: Become an NFT Creator & Investor-[Udemy 100% Off Course Coupon]

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The Complete NFT Course: Become an NFT Creator & Investor-[Udemy 100% off Free Course Coupon]- Paid Course for Free, 100% Free Daily Course Coupon updates on

Ever since Bitcoin forced most people to learn about cryptocurrencies in recent years, there hasn’t been any other technology that garnered as much attention as NFTs. Running on the same blockchain technology as most cryptocurrencies, it’s like crypto, but for another purpose.

This course shows you how NFTs work and their connection with blockchain technology. You’ll learn the theoretical aspect of the new technology and what function it serves in real life. This course is an all-in-one guide suitable for both amateurs and professionals alike.

To make it easier to understand the course, it is separated into several subsections. This is designed to help both beginners and experts jump around more efficiently while taking the course.

If you’re only hearing about non-fungible tokens for the first time, we recommend following the course outline as it’s arranged. It will help you make sense out of the already confusing world of non-fungible tokens. The learning resources also contains recommendations of sites and software to help you get started!

While you can easily mint, buy, and sell NFTs without proper education, it’s important to know about what you’re dealing with. That way, it will be easier to invite people to the world of NFTs since you know what you can tell them to get them interested.

Who this course is for:

  • Professionals or students who want to venture into non-fungible tokens and are keen to learn the science behind them
  • Artists who harbor a dream of offering their art as an NFT, and are looking at exploring the possibilities and options
  • Art galleries aiming to collect and preserve digital art
  • Anyone willing to learn about the best methods for creating, collecting, and selling NFTs

What you'll learn

  • Learn about the fundamentals of NFTs and why they’re necessary in the digital world
  • Learn how to buy and sell non-fungible tokens on the internet
  • Learn how to mint Non-Fungible Tokens
  • Learn about the industries that will be disrupted by NFTs

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